Nov 21, 2006

"Little" Big Pleasures

Sometimes there is nothing like rediscovering the present. And we did exactly that on Sunday. After 3 years of living where we live and doing what we do, we have seldom stopped to notice the small things that we would have otherwise enjoyed had we been a wee bit more patient and less cynical of everything here. We went driving on the route I normally take to work. I have been meaning to get some snaps clicked over a 4km stretch of a fly-over. Its really the simple and mundane things here that really seem to appeal to me. As I go to work the sites of people cycling and walking, stretching out on their terraces, the city market with the different sounds, colors and smells; the other drivers who pick the early morning hours to get to work at a leisurely pace, some really old and appealing building and finally the wonderful multifarious hues of the sky as the sun sets on my way back from work. This is one of those simple but big pleasures and an even bigger release that I enjoy each day. So the Doc strapped himself to the passenger's side and I drove slowly along the entire route and recounted each thought and each moment of pleasure through this little journey. I felt the rush right was a simple but overwhelming pleasure !


Aniket Anikhindi said...

good thing. writing is just like this you know...

Aparna said...

The chat triggered something. Thanks!

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