Sep 27, 2006

Je suis ici...finalement !!

Finally, a cozy corner for little dear me in blogsville. After a lot of hmms, haws and dawdling I decided to finally stop giving in to that nasty little fire-blowing fellow within me and cut the crap (spelt inertia) and got down to making my first entry. That brings me to the next question – is it just me or does everyone around need that final nudge to get around to taking that first little baby step and fight the inertia to begin something new? The Physics teachers back at school and college seem to have done one fabulous job of training my innocent young mind and molded(forgive the hackneyed done-to-death phrase) me to become a human demonstration of every law of motion. Well then how does one explain Newton's disproportionate possession of my being, that seems be such an inherent part of life?

Fortunately for me, this uncanny and perhaps aggravating side is well known to Doc. There are those funny symptoms such as the “glazed eyes, the craving to eat an apple(?? hmmm I wonder) and the so called pensive look(though its just another look)” that are such dead giveaways for Doc to exorcise me back to normalcy.

I am lucky and honestly relieved to be with Doc otherwise the “lost and found” posters would've been splayed across every wall almost each week. Luckily for me the “soul-connection” seems to have worked really well these last 4 or so years !!

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