Sep 28, 2006

Guess who's coming to dinner?

The Doc's been away for a month now. He is posted in a place far away from the usual civilization he is used to. He is training to become a surgeon & doing a lot of community work by giving sight to the impoverished and needy. The Doc is specialized to be an ophthalmologist and training to be a surgeon. He has been training even harder to be my husband for a year and a half now!

We started out all hunky dory and positive about this program and the farily long period of separation. You know the usual - it is the practical thing to do, it is a fantastic opportunity, great future...blah...blah...blah !

The 1st few weeks flew by like a dream. I had tons of time and space to do "my own thing" and really enjoyed it. It gave me some time to reflect and re-prioritize things in life and get it in order before anarchy hit.
However over the last few days, my skeptcism and irk about my non-existence in his calendar have risen. I am trying to shoo away all the dark devils but at times they really hit a low blow. I am trying hard to hold up and rejuvenate the free spirit and independance of being single. Alas ! After having shared my life upto a 90% with Doc over the last year or so, the spirit has started to wane and the loneliness at times is getting to me. Repeated fights with the not-so-nice half of my personality have been rather futile and I really need to accept the fact that I indeed miss the steady and constant companionship of the Doc. I guess in the little time that the Doc finds himself free from work, he goes through similar feelings too.

After much ado, we've decided it is time for him to make a short visit back home. Some mundane activity, some bickering and some fun should keep us going until next time. I am off now to prepare a special meal for the evening - perhaps with
some exotic dessert(read - anything with chocolate!!), a good movie and a pretty center piece for the table. I plan to post my kitchen capers regularly as well. So see you around soon...the Doc's coming to dinner tonight !

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