Mar 22, 2007

A rhyme for a reason...

Over a cup of coffee she spoke,
What she said left me provoked.
I am looking hard and searching for words,
To express myself and be heard.
There are a bunch of thoughts in my head,
I carry them each day to bed.

She spoke not of worry, not joy , not pain;
I'd rather classify them as being mundane.
Sometimes we're so consumed with life,
It seems a silly, almost a senseless strife.
A few simple questions I have for you,
A quest for their answers will help you too.

When did you last see the colors of dawn,
As it spreads its wings when you wake each morn?
Did you walk in the woods or walk by the sea,
Feel the sands shift beneath your feet?
Did you climb a hill and touch the skies,
Or lie on the grass gazing at a starry night.

The kiss of the breeze, the tingling rain,
Smells of spring, the white winter terrain,
Seasons have come and gone again,
You're standing here with your refrain.
When did you call on a long lost friend,
And went to shop with no money to spend?
Did you feel the passion for a deed so true,
And stood your own to fight for a good?
Have you laughed hard in a long long time,
Jumped in joy, sailed on cloud nine?
When did you last want time to stand still,
Or admire a bird on your window sill ?

You've missed so much in so little a time,
You've had no reason to rant and whine.
Its what you've chosen to become and be,
You live with it or set yourself free.
You've lost some friends, some loved ones too,
Don't rant more lest you lose me too.
When you've thought and pondered come speak to me,
I am a happy person and that's how I'll be.
There are wonderful things I would love to recall,
The world's fantastic don't spoilt it with your bawl.

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