Dec 18, 2006

Hyderabad Chronicle - 2

Decided to finish this up finally. The nostalgia is done and now the real reason why we were at Hyderabad. My bro-in-law was engaged last Sunday. He always was sorely aware of this and awaited the axe to fall...finally it did. My sister-in-law to be is really quite sweet. She is a medical professional - a doctor to be precise, and that leaves me the odd one out. It began about 3 weeks back when her parents were eager to meet the 'elder bahu & beta**" in the true blue traditional Indian style. We went and they saw us. I guess they were pretty awed or should i mention horrified by what they saw. They never saw a typical elder bahu phenomenon, what they saw was a short haired female, hanging around with the elderly men of the house sharing a few jokes, walking all over the place with a big semi-professional camera hanging around her neck, managing a whole 6 yards of silk in quite an un-womanly manner and some how try hard to join a few Telugu words to speak a few broken sentences of the language. Well I guess it made a dent, a big one, because my B-I-L's mom-in-law to be took me aside and cautiously handed over a sari(while I thought "not yet another one...please") and entrusted her "little" girl to me. Well...I am not the sure what to think - all I can say is I am very happy that theres a wedding around the corner and my b-i-l has nice company now and a lot to look forward to.

Bahu: Daughter-in-law.
Psst: Gowri (she's the bride-to-be) I won't eat you alive for several reasons one being I am vegetarian and secondly, I like you!

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